meet past grant recipients

Community Grants Funding is closed.


St Pete Pride’s Community Grants funding opportunity aims to support local nonprofit organizations serving the community needs in and around St. Petersburg. At its core, our Community Grants further St Pete Pride’s mission to strengthen St. Petersburg’s legacy of inclusion and diversity, providing a safe space for the education, self-exploration, and celebration of our LGBTQIA+ community and allies. Projects may request a maximum amount of $10,000. Projects may be accepted at a lower funding amount than requested. Grantees will provide a report to St Pete Pride outlining how the funds were used, the impact of the funds, and any other pertinent information. Reports are due to St Pete Pride by November 30 of the following year. We are updating our Community Grants process to a community funding opportunity with an application cycle in October for the following calendar year. St Pete Pride will be moving towards one funding cycle in 2025, with an open call for applications for the following 12 months. All requests for funding, including event sponsorships, will be directed to the Community Grant Process.

Please note, there will be two (2) application cycles for the 2023/2024 year.  

Cycle One- October 10, 2023-November 9, 2023

Cycle Two- March 1, 2024- March 29, 2024

Future application cycles will be as follows:

Applications accepted from October 1st- October 22nd for the upcoming year.

2025 Applications - Delayed- Check back for additional infromation.

2026 Applications Open October 1-22, 2025

Types of Projects We Support:

All Community Grant Recipients MUST:

● Be a registered 501 © 3 organization

● Involve members of the St. Petersburg/Tampa Bay community

● Be free or not cost prohibitive

● Serve LGBTQIA+ or other historically marginalized groups

Special Consideration Given To:

● Organizations that work directly with LGBTQIA+ people, specifically Trans individuals, LGBTQIA+ youth, in St. Petersburg

● Organizations requesting funds under $2,500

● Organizations with budgets under $250,000

What we do not fund:

● Individuals

● Private Foundations

● Organizations not determined by the IRS to be a tax-exempt public charity under 501 © 3

● Political action or legislative advocacy groups

● Religious Organizations

● Organizations who have received community grant funding from St Pete Pride in the past 12 months

To apply, please have the following information prepared to upload through the application form.

● IRS 501 © 3 tax exemption documentation

● Signed W9

● Proof of Sunbiz Receipt

● Organizations Non-Discrimination Policy

● 1 page Organization Budget for current fiscal year

● Project Proposal (total 5 pages max)

     ○ Needs Statement (2 pages max)

            ■ Objective of the project/program/organization to be funded including a description of the work to be                done to accomplish the objectives.

            ■ Proposed project outcomes

            ■ Who is being served

            ■ Community Involvement

     ○ Sustainability Statement (2 pages max)

            ■ Plans for future and continued funding

            ■ How the project will be evaluated and how that data will be shared

     ○ Project Budget (1 page max)

            ■ Amount Requested

            ■ Summary of how funds will be used

Selection/Award Process

● Grant Submissions Open: March 1, 2024 5pm- March 29, 2024 5pm

● Community Q&A via email: March1-March 10, 2024

Questions on the community grant process can be emailed to:

All questions and responses will be posted here:

● Organizations Notified via email-April 22

● Request for Information Sent- April 26

● Awards Announced- April 29, 2024

● Payment of Award- within 2 weeks of receipt of requested information

● Grant Report due to St Pete Pride- April 22, year following award receipt

Click here for a pdf of the Community Grants Process.

Click here for a pdf of the Community Grants Scoring Rubric.

St Pete Pride will not engage in philanthropic giving to organizations which they find
discriminates against a person or group because of race, color, religion, national origin,
sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, family responsibilities, disability,
enrollment in college or vocational school, political affiliation, veteran status or genetic

St Pete Pride will not engage in philanthropic giving to non-religious organizations that
have a written policy of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and/ or gender
identity and/ or have a policy explicitly permitting its own chapters, affiliates, etc. to

Community Questions and Answers


2024 Pride Partners

The contributions of our local partners enable us to achieve our mission of supporting the LGBTQIA+ community year round. Would you like to contribute to our cause?